Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A letter to my future child(ren)

I hope when I am older I don't go through some sort of brain-warp and decide to hide this from you. But I figure it's better to get it out now, when you're still theoretical, so that my mind is still clear.
I don't know how many of you there are. I don't know if I'll actually get to have you (I mean, I want you, but still, shit happens). I don't know if you're girls or boys or genderqueer. I have no clue who you'll be attracted to, or if you'll experience sexual attraction at all. Please note, if you're asexual you're still AWESOME. And when I say your sexuality is important, I mean that your self-identity and self-love are important. If you don't express that through your genitals nothing is wrong with you! I just want to make that abundantly clear before we begin.

Now, for a moment, I'm going to ignore all the “what if”s as much as I can and speak from the heart.

If you're getting this letter now, it means you're probably exhibiting signs of sexuality in some way. Either you're attempting to appear “sexy” for the first time, you're going through puberty, or I awkwardly caught you masturbating (if I did, I SWEAR I didn't mean to! I don't know future me yet, but I'm 100% sure she feels really bad for intruding on your privacy if this happened). Maybe you're going on your first date. And I realize that future me is probably pretty awkward about all this. I mean, think about it, how would you feel about seeing someone who in your mind will always be “wittle baby” looking or acting sexy for the first time? But please, don't mistake my awkwardness with judgment or distrust.

Your sexuality is not bad. It is an important part of you that you control and it's okay to enjoy it responsibly. It's a decision you make with another person to engage in sexual activity. And like trying any new thing, you should probably think about it first and decide if it's something you really want. Evaluate your reasons for wanting it. And of course, always make sure the person you're about to have sex with (or kiss, or do anything sexual with) also wants to do it. If you're ever, ever in question about whether your sexual partner wants to do a particular activity, be sure to ask them. And respect their answer. Even if it dissapoints you. Even if they were super into it last time. You may feel hurt that they don't want to have sex with you again, and that's okay. But do not use it as an excuse to pressure them. And I hope you choose not to be with people who pressure you.

Because you NEVER have to have sex with anyone, for any reason, if you don't want to. By the same coin, no one ever owes you sex either. Sex is an activity that people can choose to enjoy together. And it can be beautiful. And wonderful. And fun. And intimate. And silly. And bad (yup, even with a partner you like!). If you don't enjoy it, I hope you speak up to your partner. You are allowed to stop if you're not into it. You can try something else. You can just decide you don't like it. Those are always your choices. Your partner always has the same right as well. Sex is best with communication. Talk. Believe me, if you choose to have sex, talking about it will make it better. Even if it's super awkward at first.

I am always here if you want to talk about sex & sexuality. No judgment. And if I get judgy, tell me that I'm being judgy and that my past self would tell me to stop. As long as you're not coercing someone into having sex with you or sleeping with someone significantly younger than you, I'll probably be okay. Really. Even if I make that surprised or uncomfortable momface.

And if you're uncomfortable talking to me about it, it's okay. I understand. Talking to parents about sex is super awkward. I (23-year old me) am still learning how to talk about it with my parents (Yup, grandma and I talk about sex. Sit on THAT for a moment.) You can choose to talk about it or not. With me or with your peers. And if the person you're talking to is trying to make you ashamed of your sexual preferences or choices, I'd encourage you to stop talking to them about it. 'Cause they seem un-nice.

I encourage you to explore your sexuality with yourself before you explore it with other people. You can choose to follow this advice or not, but many people find it helpful. The safest sex you can have is with yourself, after all! Exactly 0% STD & pregnancy risk with solo masturbation! If you want a sex toy or lube or something and feel comfortable asking for one, I'll buy it for you. Really (if it's quite expensive I may make you pay for it, but I'll help you obtain it. This letter is not a blank check, devious child of mine!). I want you to be safe & happy.

You're probably going to have sex. You're probably going to do it when you're under 18 (I did, at 17). And I want you to be able to enjoy it. Not everyone has my view of sexuality. A lot of people have a lot of pretty messed up ideas about it actually. Maybe, by now, this is better. Maybe it isn't.

You will probably have fights and breakups and bad times just like everyone else. You may even choose to have sex with someone I really dislike. And I will try my best to respect that those are your choices. It is your body. It is your life. But don't expect me to be quiet about it if I don't approve of your choices in mates. Because I care about you, and if I think you're dating someone who isn't good enough for you or is a bad match I'll try to talk you out of it. 'Cause I'm human. I do it to my friends too. And if I genuinely think your health and safety are at risk I reserve the right to step in. But no matter what, I always love you. Even if you make choices I really disagree with.

There is nothing inherently wrong with sex. Having sex does not make you good or bad. It does not make you “cool” or “lame” (or whatever terms you fancy futuristic theoretical children use for socially-acceptable & socially-unacceptable). You can choose to have it, or choose not to. Those things do not affect your worth as a human being at all. They do not affect the worth of your peers either, no matter what anyone tells you.

Whether you've never kissed someone or have slept with 20, that does not affect your value as a person. You may decide to be promiscuous. You may decide sex is so special to you that you only want to do it with your life partner. You could decide you're not into it at all. But that is your choice. And it does not affect one bit how much I love you. Or how much I respect you. I want you to be happy and healthy and fulfilled. And your sexuality will never ever change that.

Much love,

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